Friday, October 18, 2013


You have been moving slow.
On an eternal afterglow.

Innocence couldn't define
what assurance couldn't refine
from hearsay or grapevine
the reality of the ravine.

The beauty of the fall colors
is proven by the barren browns of
the winter snow.
The purity of the soul may thus
be measured by the lives
one touched in the show.

The show must have gone on, but how
The glamour could have faded in time, not now
Now was too early, too early to be previous
too soft, too tender to be serious.

O, but we tried to be calm.
In the storm, we used the palm
to cover the forehead so it wouldn't warm up the body
Only, if only, could we sing some of the Bohemian Rhapsody.

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