Sunday, March 30, 2008

blabber 'bout a belly... that's mine!

I am a mirror... Gotcha!! :-)
An eternal optimist is how I would like myself to evolve as.till now, I have respected human values and corporate ethics with same allegiance.Having done with my studentship,I am now polishing my boots before plunging into the professional world.I am ambitious, and I like my aspirations to go as wild as they can, because 'going wild' is the only thing sensible people cannot do!

However, I am a perennial learner, who loves to learn from life rather than texts.Computers interest me, I breathe in the Internet and Management is my pursuit. My academics are my gun, and my inter personnel skills are the bullets.

A quintessential hedonist, I love to take cue from great men and their achievements.My guiding lights have been :
"You never win a silver, You loose a Gold." and
"If you want to see heaven,You must die."

I believe in 3 secrets of life which hold me strong. My family is my backbone, and my friends are my greatest treasure. My love is passionately distributed between a kid, classical music and an age-old diary.

Intellect stimulates me.They often regard me as one EVIL GENIUS!

"Don't be Evil"...

"Stay Hungry,
Stay Foolish!!"

Knowing is believing, Knowledge is God!