Sunday, August 06, 2006

Secret behind "Houdini act"

Harry Houdini (March 24, 1874 – October 31, 1926) was the stage name of Ehrich Weiss, one of the most famous magicians, escapologists, and stunt performers of all time as well as an investigator of spiritualists. He legally changed his name to "Harry Houdini" in 1913.


In 1891, Ehrich became a professional magician, and began calling himself Harry Houdini as a tribute to the French magician Jean Eugène Robert-Houdin (he would make Houdini his legal name in 1913). Initially, his magical career met with little success, though he met fellow performer Wilhelmina Beatrice (Bess) Rahner in 1893, and married her three weeks later. For the rest of his performing career, Bess would work as his stage assistant.

Houdini initially focused on cards and other traditional card acts. At one point he billed himself as the King of Cards. One of his most notable non-escape stage illusions was performed in London's hippodrome: he vanished a full-grown elephant (with its trainer) from a stage, beneath which was a swimming pool.

He soon began experimenting with escape acts, however. Harry Houdini's "big break" came in 1899, when he met the showman Martin Beck. Impressed by Houdini's handcuffs act, Beck advised him to concentrate on escape acts and booked him on the Orpheum vaudeville circuit. Within months, he was performing at the top vaudeville houses in the country. In 1900, Houdini travelled to Europe to perform. By the time he returned in 1904, he had become a sensation.

From 1904 and throughout the 1910s, Houdini usually performed with great success in the United States. He would free himself from handcuffs, chains, ropes and straitjackets, often while hanging from a rope or suspended in water, sometimes in plain sight of the audience. In 1913, he introduced perhaps his most famous act, the Chinese Water Torture Cell, in which he was suspended upside-down in a locked glass and steel cabinet full to overflowing with water.

He explained some of his tricks in books written in the 1920s. Many locks and handcuffs could be opened with properly applied force, others with shoestrings. Other times, he carried concealed lockpicks or keys, being able to regurgitate small keys at will. He was able to escape from a milk can which had its top fastened to its collar because the collar could be separated from the rest of the can from the inside. When tied down in ropes or straitjackets, he gained wiggle room by enlarging his shoulders and chest, and moving his arms slightly away from his body, and then dislocating his shoulders. His straitjacket escape was originally performed behind curtains, with him popping out free at the end. However, Houdini discovered that audiences were more impressed and entertained when the curtains were eliminated, so that they could watch him struggle to get out. He performed his straitjacket escape dangling upside-down from the roof of a building for increased dramatic effect on more than one occasion.

Difficult though it was, Houdini's entire act, including escapes, was also performed on a coordinated but separate tour schedule by his brother, Theo Weiss ("Dash" to the Weiss family), under the name "Hardeen". The major difference between the two was in the straitjacket escape; Houdini dislocated both his shoulders to get out, but Hardeen could dislocate only one.

In 1910, while on a tour of Australia, Houdini brought with him a primitive bi-plane with which he made the first controlled powered aeroplane flight in Australia, at Diggers Rest, Victoria.[1] History records that there were several competitors for the record-making flight, but they narrowly missed out.
Debunking spiritualists
In the 1920s, after the death of his beloved mother, he turned his energies toward debunking self-proclaimed psychics and mediums, a pursuit that would inspire and be followed by latter-day magicians James Randi and P.C. Sorcar, and even Penn and Teller. Houdini's magical training allowed him to expose frauds who had successfully fooled many scientists and academics. He was a member of a Scientific American committee which offered a cash prize to any medium who could successfully demonstrate supernatural abilities. Thanks to Houdini's contributions, the prize was never collected. As his fame as a "ghostbuster" grew, Houdini took to attending séances in disguise, accompanied by a reporter and police officer. Possibly the most famous medium whom he debunked was the Boston medium Mina Crandon, a.k.a. Margery.

These activities cost Houdini the friendship of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the creator of Sherlock Holmes. Doyle, a firm believer in spiritualism during his latter years, refused to believe any of Houdini's exposés. Doyle actually came to believe that Houdini was a powerful spiritualist medium, had performed many of his stunts by means of paranormal abilities, and was using these abilities to block those of other mediums that he was 'debunking' (see Doyle's The Edge of The Unknown, published in 1931 after Houdini's death). This disagreement led to the two men becoming public antagonists.
Houdini's last performance was at the Garrick Theatre in Detroit, Michigan on October 24, 1926. The next day he was hospitalized at Detroit's Grace Hospital.

Houdini died of peritonitis from a ruptured appendix on Halloween, October 31, 1926, at the age of 52. Houdini had sustained a blow to his abdomen from McGill University boxing student J. Gordon Whitehead in Montreal two weeks earlier. A long-standing part of Houdini's act was to ask a member of the audience to punch him in the abdomen, but Houdini was reclining on his couch after his performance, in this instance, and was struck several times, without the opportunity to prepare himself for the blows. [2] Despite popular belief, the appendicitis and not the blow was the cause of his death -- the pain inflicted by the blows probably 'masked' the pain of the appendicitis, preventing the performer from seeking treatment. [3]

Houdini's funeral was held on November 4 in New York, with over two thousand mourners in attendance. He was interred in the Machpelah Cemetery, Queens, New York, with the crest of the Society of American Magicians inscribed on his gravesite. The Society holds their "Broken Wand" ceremony at the gravesite on the anniversary of his death to this day.
Houdini left a final sting for his spiritualist opponents: shortly before his death, he had made a pact with his wife, Bess Houdini, to contact her from the other side if possible and deliver a pre-arranged coded message. Every Halloween for the next 10 years, Bess held a séance to test the pact. In 1936, after a last unsuccessful seance on the roof of the Knickerbocker hotel, she put out the candle that she had kept burning beside a photograph of Houdini since his death, later (1943) saying "ten years is long enough to wait for any man."

The United States Postal Service issued a postage stamp with a replica of Houdini's favorite publicity poster on July 3, 2002.

Harry Houdini has a motion picture star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame at 7001 Hollywood Blvd. He starred in 5 silent films and wrote some of them.

A mostly fictionalized version of Houdini's life was made in a film in 1953 starring Tony Curtis. Most of the misconceptions about Houdini's life are due in part to this film. For example, it portrayed him dying from the Chinese Water Torture Cell, instead of the less spectacular peritonitis.

British singer Kate Bush recorded a song about Houdini's wife visiting mediums to see if his soul had survived which was included on her 1982 album The Dreaming, the cover of which showed Bush as Mrs Houdini, passing a small key to her husband via a kiss.

Experiment 604 in was named Houdini, in his honour.

Harry Houdini also appeared in the Image Comics title Spawn. In the two issue story-arc, (issues #19-#20) Houdini reveals to Spawn that he is actually a dimension-traveling hyper mage, ten times more powerful than his early 20th century stage act let on. Both Spawn and Houdini worked together to protect New York from extortion at the hands of physicists from the former Soviet Union who possessed a nuclear bomb. The disaster averted, Houdini again resumed his dimensional travels.

Controversy surrounds the decision by the Outagamie Museum in Appleton, Wisconsin to reveal the details of how Houdini performed his Metamorphosis trick.

On November 2, 2004, Houdini's only niece (Marie H. Blood) passed away.

Ironically, Houdini is often called upon in seances by "psychics", and other charlatans he sought to debunk.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

'prawn' it like southies!!

 I went to a govt owned prawn factory is situated to the left of Peerless hospital near Hiland Park,Kolkata and spreads over a large least a hundread acres.the vast campus was originally a govt one..u've heard the name of Benfish if u are a bengalee, but later on 
it has been sold to private export firms for 60 lakhs a building basis.
each of the buildings has a wierd spiral way to their reservoirs..there i saw a number of stages.

1.the praws come from outside in baskets
2.they are sorted according to sizes
3.samples are taken from each baskets and.. no. of prawns per kg (k) is calculated.
say it is around 30-35..varying for diff sizes.
4.then the basket is weighed in weighing machines (duh?!)..that is around 25 kgs..
and then calculating the no. of prawns per basket (25k) and then tabulating it.
5.dressing them..this consists of cutting the head n cleaning out the non-muscular portions in fresh water and packaging..
7.making a slab by letting the ice freeze along with a kg of prawn
8.packing in packets and then in paper cover.then they tighten the tapes and..
it's up for grab for all the raveneous foodies abroad!!!

this entire process is done in an air conditioned underground chamber.believe it or not, from the girls who were sorting the prawns to the overseer or the dresser, all ..all are south indians!!need not say about the company owner!!!and yes..they know how to do business with prawns.
kudos to the fishermen!!!

I got hold of a slab for us (I think it's illegal,however) and had it for dinner.I swear,it was a
culinary delight!!!the taste still lingers in my tongue..    :-P

let's 'Prince' ourselves..

 well..enough of making mockery of the kid..common man, u gotta appreciate his prowess!I do support the statements that his being a five-year old helped his case..but still that was also
major point the army was working on.
In brief,the kid showed stamina in being strangled there in a 4.5inch diameter hole..
n living 50 hrs straight without any living being except insects and all..and his only connection
to outside world being a hanging cam, light n occassional food n water coming from above!
the army's work was a fine act of engineering craft injected with a mother's care.the way they reached the child was a remainder of the fact the our army can do anything in this world given the right effort,resource and intention.
also applaudible was zee news',as they transmitted the live feed from the spot for hours..wothout any commercial break.fearing an outlash or not,they provided us with a real-time information nevertheless. the political leaders were also at the working best..
it was quiet a scene!!!

I object the way the child was taken out.the jawan who went there n took him out is no less
a leader..yet why didn't he feature anywhere?he was handed to a major and then to MP's wife!not a monopoly that we wanted to see!

anyways,all's well that ends well!the coincidental mix of the place being the battlefield of kaurava-pandavas..Kurukhetra , the name being Prince, the scary memories of mumbai violence and the phenomenal work of the jawans made it 
a national glory-story..which we all needed somehow.the pictures of all the religious stations praying hard 
for a kid was a reminder that "united is the way to fight the terror"!

 let us 'prince' ourselves..
jai hind!!

Saturday, July 22, 2006

the first cut

 with respect to India Govt.'z decision to block the sites such as,I think we, bloggers should be highly perturbed as this is like trying to have a grab over our virtual freedom.this space happens to be the place where we pen down whatever comes across us..certainly not to be watched over by some political parties.mind you, a Govt is nothing but a political party on power..and I personally despise them all.
whatever the cause of concern may u think this can be a method to stop terrorism?can't they be a bit more sareful while handling the security measures?I see this attempt as a fake try ,just to show-off that they are working..wherein reality,they are crippling those who were really working.
what di u say?

Saturday, July 01, 2006

photo testing

   probably it's me!...else not..