Sunday, July 24, 2011

Allow. Accept. Grow.

A few risks, here and there, not all could be pre-calculated,
nor could all be doctor prescribed.. for most arbiters can
never gauge what drives an offender to go the last mile.
My offense would harm no one, but me, the one I can risk.

Let the path be as less traveled as it can be.
It can help to see as less debauchery for I mastered that art.
Some dives need a push, and then the flight can make
living worthwhile.

Worth is what we set for ourselves. Like brands, they're fleeting.
For life is only finite, and dreams are not, it's better to live
the latter within the first. Otherwise, it ends before they finish.

If you make one happy, you are doing a service. For two, almost a model.
..and then awaits martyrdom. Seeking limits in the sky is only way to soar.

You make one and then you take that.
The process makes you taller, it's the best steroid!
Allow. Accept. Grow.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Of dying passions and momentary truth!

I can survive the chill but can't spare the thrill
that I smell when you smile, baby, still,
there's only so much that I could 'jure up..
that you light my sky and twinkle my stars.

I could go on, and on, but why,
where I can't see your figure move by,
and stroke the hair which fell out of line
in a perfected dream of my imperfect mind.

Back in the days when I saw you glow
and you used to make my gloomy days glow
When I could smell your perfume, but now
there's only so much that I'd let you know.

That if there's still hope, that reason's you
That can break a sailor's curse like a row
For rainbows are when your laughter breaks out.
I die in the moment, in my incarcerated ego.

Sunday, July 17, 2011


Where there was still an ounce of pain
you blinked, never knowing beyond that
lied nirvana.

Where there was still a cacophony of dimes,
you bilked, never knowing the hidden treasure

When life gave your shytes to deal with
and you said you can't handle it,
you missed the trove.

Because what you let go comes back,
and what you hold back was never yours.