Sunday, July 23, 2006

'prawn' it like southies!!

 I went to a govt owned prawn factory is situated to the left of Peerless hospital near Hiland Park,Kolkata and spreads over a large least a hundread acres.the vast campus was originally a govt one..u've heard the name of Benfish if u are a bengalee, but later on 
it has been sold to private export firms for 60 lakhs a building basis.
each of the buildings has a wierd spiral way to their reservoirs..there i saw a number of stages.

1.the praws come from outside in baskets
2.they are sorted according to sizes
3.samples are taken from each baskets and.. no. of prawns per kg (k) is calculated.
say it is around 30-35..varying for diff sizes.
4.then the basket is weighed in weighing machines (duh?!)..that is around 25 kgs..
and then calculating the no. of prawns per basket (25k) and then tabulating it.
5.dressing them..this consists of cutting the head n cleaning out the non-muscular portions in fresh water and packaging..
7.making a slab by letting the ice freeze along with a kg of prawn
8.packing in packets and then in paper cover.then they tighten the tapes and..
it's up for grab for all the raveneous foodies abroad!!!

this entire process is done in an air conditioned underground chamber.believe it or not, from the girls who were sorting the prawns to the overseer or the dresser, all ..all are south indians!!need not say about the company owner!!!and yes..they know how to do business with prawns.
kudos to the fishermen!!!

I got hold of a slab for us (I think it's illegal,however) and had it for dinner.I swear,it was a
culinary delight!!!the taste still lingers in my tongue..    :-P

1 comment:

Chiranjoy said...

thanks for you insight about processing prawns. exciting to hear that thre is such a well organised industry supporting the sumptuous product.