Saturday, May 10, 2008


They say that a few good men can make the impossible. I agree taking a flat at your workplace is not that big a task, but certainly it seemed so after monthlong persuaion to people for making their mind to shift. but lax got the better of many! Finally we could gather a lot of four, just the number needed for making the move. It took an hour or so, with a great amount of help from friends, we moved in, with nearly eight luggages per person. Luckily for us, the flat is full furnished, and with a friend coming in with his machine, I promise blogging will be much easier if not regular. It seems the good old habits are trying to come back into time and space, and I'm only too eager. Will obviously come back in a better and bigger manner... lest I do away with cleaning of the system.

Thought you all would love the news, so shared it. Make happiness.


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